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Booking Policy
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Booking Policy

Booking Policy


Booking Policy

Our Reservation Policy

At Special Sculpture Polyclinic, we work diligently to ensure that each of our guests has the best experience and achieves the results they desire. Please review our policies below for the efficient management of your reservations:

Appointment Booking and Cancellation:

  • To schedule an appointment, please contact our clinic by phone or use our online booking system.
  • If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we kindly ask for advance notice whenever possible. This allows us to offer suitable time slots to other guests.


  • Delays prior to your appointment time may result in a shortened duration of your treatment. Therefore, we recommend arriving at our clinic at least 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
  • If you anticipate being delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, please inform us in advance. If possible, we may be able to reschedule your appointment.

Payment Policy:

  • To obtain detailed information about the pricing of our services and to learn about our payment options, please contact us.
  • We are happy to assist you in ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the services and procedures we provide before making a payment.

Special Requests and Needs:

  • If you have any special requests or requirements, please inform us when making your reservation or before arriving at our clinic. We will do our best to accommodate your needs to provide you with the best service possible.

Privacy and Security:

  • The privacy and security of our guests are our top priorities. All your personal and medical information will be kept confidential and only shared as necessary for your treatment.

Questions and Feedback:

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We are here to do our best to ensure guest satisfaction.
  • Your feedback regarding the services you receive is highly valuable to us. Please share your experience so that we can continually improve ourselves.

We are delighted to serve you at Special Sculpture Polyclinic. Please read our reservation policy carefully, and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.

Booking Policy

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