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Temporal Lift

Temporal Lift

Temporal Lift


Temporal Lift

What is a
Temporal Lift?

A temporal lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reduce or reverse the signs of aging in the face and neck. It involves repositioning and tightening the skin and tissues in the temporal region through a discreet incision of about 3 cm hidden within the hairline. This technique effectively lifts the eyebrows, diminishes wrinkles and sagging around the eyes, and enhances the overall firmness of the face and neck.


Procedure Overview

Typically performed under general anesthesia, the temporal lift features an almost imperceptible incision within the hairline to minimize scarring. During the procedure, the skin and tissues in the temporal area are carefully adjusted and tightened. Additionally, the surgery may include complementary procedures such as eyebrow lifts, eyelid rejuvenation, and mid-face lifts, all performed at the same time.

Recovery Process
and Results

Most patients can resume their normal activities within a few weeks after surgery, though full recovery may take up to six months, depending on individual health factors and any additional procedures performed. The results of a temporal lift are long-lasting, providing a youthful, rejuvenated appearance.


Why Consult with a
Plastic Surgeon?

It is crucial that surgical procedures, such as the temporal lift, be conducted by experienced plastic surgeons. A qualified surgeon can customize the treatment plan according to the patient's specific needs and anatomical makeup, utilizing the most effective techniques to ensure optimal outcomes.


The temporal lift is a sought-after surgical option for rejuvenating the face and neck. When carried out by a skilled plastic surgeon, patients are likely to achieve impressive and enduring results. For more information and to schedule a consultation, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Temporal Lift

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